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Our responsibility to stakeholders

Vantaa Energy’s human resource management is based on motivating leadership that aims for improving the competence and performance of the employees. Continuous learning is more important than ever to guarantee that we are capable of offering our customers new products and services that meet their wishes.

Safeguarding, maintaining and developing occupational safety and well-being are also among the key targets and challenges in the short and long term.

Vantaa Energy is a safe environment to work in. Our safety target is zero occupational accidents.

In 2020, a total of seven accidents took place in our Group, four of which resulted in absence from work. The number was halved from 2019, which shows a good trend. Vantaa Energy’s target is to bring down the number of accidents to zero by 2025 at the latest – it is a matter of priority for us to guarantee a safe workplace.

Employee experience at Vantaa Energy is at a good level. Our aim is to have an employee satisfaction rating of at least 3.8 (scale 1‒5) in the employee survey.

The employee survey for 2020 showed gratifying development. The positive changes are related to group-level matters – taking care of the wellbeing of employees, cooperation between business units, and the clarity of procedures with a view to the best customer experience. Action by the management also shows a good trend.

We share the responsibility of employing young people and promoting energy awareness (taking it into account in recruitment, summer and trainee jobs, collaboration with educational establishments). We recruit about 30 summer employees.

Every summer, we employ young people, for example, in various mechanic and engineering tasks. In 2020, we recruited a total of 31 summer employees. We received just under 1,000 applications, which illustrates the level of interest towards the jobs we offer.

The company’s operations are economically viable. A good result also enables responsible operations.

Year 2020 was successful for the Vantaa Energy Group both financially and operationally. Out of its result for 2020, Vantaa Energy pays a dividend of about EUR 17.0 million to its owners, the City of Vantaa and the City of Helsinki.

Customers are our key stakeholders. To achieve an even better service experience, we are further developing our understanding of the needs and expectations of our customers. In customer satisfaction surveys, our target is to be at an excellent level.

Our district heating customers gave us an excellent score in the customer satisfaction survey for 2020. On a scale from 1 to 5, we scored 4.22, which is our best result in the history of the survey (4.00 in 2019).

The responsibility aspect is taken into account in procurement. We require that our suppliers comply with the Group’s Code of Conduct.

Vantaa Energy’s relationships with customers and partners are based on honesty and trust. Vantaa Energy’s Code of Conduct for suppliers supports our Group’s responsible operations and success. Read more about Vantaa Energy’s Code of Conduct.