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Marketing and communications register of Vantaa Energy Ltd

This privacy policy provides data subjects, i.e. the customers and potential customers of Vantaa Energy Ltd, and the supervisory authority with the information required by data protection legislation concerning how and why Vantaa Energy Ltd processes the personal data of the data subjects for marketing and communication purposes.

1 Controller

Vantaa Energy Ltd
Business ID: 0124461-3
Postal address: P.O. Box 95, 01301 Vantaa, Finland

2  Persons responsible for register matters and their contact details

Person responsible for the register
Juha Luomala
Vantaa Energy Ltd
Postal address: P.O. Box 95, 01301 Vantaa, Finland
Street address: Peltolantie 27, 01300 Vantaa, Finland

Data Protection Officer
Heidi Itkonen
Postal address: P.O. Box 95, 01301 Vantaa, Finland
Street address: Peltolantie 27, 01300 Vantaa, Finland

Data protection enquiries

3  Name of register

Marketing and communications register of Vantaa Energy Ltd (Marketing and Communications Register)

The data subjects of the Marketing and Communications Register are the customers and potential customers of Vantaa Energy Ltd, the subscribers to communications and those who have taken part in competitions.

A potential customer relationship arises when a person expresses their interest in the services of Vantaa Energy Ltd and consents to direct marketing and communications, for example, on the website, in connection with prize draws, in trade fairs and events or at the sales points of Vantaa Energy Ltd.

4  Purpose and legal basis of the processing of personal data

The purpose of processing personal data contained in the Marketing and Communications Register is to offer, sell and market the services and products related to the business operations of Vantaa Energy Ltd and to verify, maintain and develop the quality of existing and future services and products.

For the above-mentioned purposes, personal data can be processed for analysing the use of the services and products of Vantaa Energy Ltd and for offering, selling and developing them, for identifying the data subjects, for statistical and marketing communication purposes, and for the marketing, opinion polls, market research and communication of the products and services of carefully selected partners.

The processing of personal data is primarily based on the justified and legitimate entitlement of Vantaa Energy Ltd to communicate and market its services in order to promote its business operations and to secure, maintain and develop its services.

5  Data content of the register

In terms of the Marketing and Communications Register, the following data related to the data subject may be processed:

  • basic data about the data subject (such as names, address details, company’s business ID, metering point and/or other unique identifier);
  • data concerning the contact persons of companies (such as information about the employer and the professional status of the data subject);
  • contact details (such as address details, telephone number and email address);
  • data related to the customer account and contracts (such as correspondence and other communications with Vantaa Energy Ltd, contact recordings (such as phone call recordings and records of emails) and marketing-related information;
  • data related to services and products (such as data provided by the data subject themselves with regard to their interests; cookies and data related to their use);
  • marketing opt-outs and opt-ins (such as opting out of receiving direct marketing or telephone marketing, opting in to receiving electronic direct marketing)
  • any other data collected separately with the specific consent of the data subject.

6  Regular sources of data

Data concerning data subjects is regularly received from

  • the data subject themselves when they request a quote from Vantaa Energy Ltd or give their consent to entering information in the Marketing and Communications Register of Vantaa Energy Ltd;
  • Data for the Marketing and Communications Register can also be collected, recorded and updated, for example, from the registers of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and Suomen Asiakastieto Oy.

Personal data can also be collected and updated from the authorities and other third parties within the limits of applicable legislation for the purposes described in this privacy policy.

Vantaa Energy Ltd shall record telephone calls received from and made to customers in order to ensure and develop the quality of customer service. Customer phone calls by partners acting on behalf of Vantaa Energy Ltd are also recorded. Telephone recordings are retained for one (1) year.

7  Regular disclosure of data and transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

Personal data can be shared for purposes described in this privacy policy and to the extent permitted and required by existing legislation, regulations imposed by the authorities and the instructions of the industry associations, for example, with the authorities, other energy companies operating in the electricity market, property owners and housing managers, and the parties to the contract on the supply and sale of electricity.

Personal data can also be shared with partners that have been carefully selected by the controller (e.g. outsourced customer service) for purposes that support the purposes of the processing of personal data described in the Marketing and Communications Register.

Vantaa Energy does not transfer the data outside the EU or EEA countries.

8 Data retention period

In terms of the data subjects, consent-based customer data shall be retained until the data subject withdraws their consent to receive direct marketing or opts out of direct marketing. In terms of outside registers, the instructions of the controller shall be complied with.

The data shall be erased in accordance with the erasure processes complied with by the controller.

9  Principles of register protection

Personal data is protected in the industry by generally acceptable and reasonable technical means, such as access passes, training, firewalls and passwords.

Only specified employees of the controller or companies authorised by or acting on behalf of the controller shall have access to the personal data processed in the Marketing and Communications Register in accordance with the access rights granted by Vantaa Energy Ltd. Vantaa Energy Ltd takes into account the applicable laws and regulations of the authorities and the industry organisations’ instructions for ensuring confidential processing of personal data.

10  Rights of the data subject

Right of inspection

By virtue of the General Data Protection Regulation, data subjects have the right to inspect what has been recorded of them in the Marketing Register. The right of inspection can be denied on the basis of the criteria laid down in legislation. An electronic request to inspect this data can be submitted on

A written inspection request is made in person at the controller’s office where the data subject’s identity is verified.

Vantaa Energy Ltd shall charge a reasonable fee for providing the data if the data subject uses their right of inspection more often than once a year.

Right to object to the processing of personal data

On account of their special personal situation, data subjects have the right to object to being profiled and to other processing measures carried out by the controller on the data subject’s personal data in so far as the data processing is based on the controller’s legitimate interest. In connection with the request, the data subject must specify the particular situation on the basis of which they object to the processing. The controller may refuse to fulfil the request concerning the objection on the basis of criteria laid down by legislation.

Right to object to direct marketing

Data subjects may opt in to or out of the Controller’s direct marketing with regard to each channel.

Data subjects have the right to object to the processing of their personal data for purposes of direct advertising, distance selling, direct marketing, and market research and opinion polling. The right to object does not apply to customer communications related to services subscribed to or ordered by the customer or to other service-related communications carried out in order to provide services.

Right to request rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of data

Data subjects have the right to request Vantaa Energy Ltd to rectify, erase or complement any personal data in the register that is incorrect, irrelevant, incomplete or out-of-date with respect to the purpose of processing the data.

Data subjects also have the right to request the controller to restrict the processing of their personal data, for example, in situations where the data subject is expecting the controller’s response with regard to a request to rectify or erase their data.

The data subject is personally responsible for the accuracy of information they have provided. The data subject shall notify if there are any changes in the information they have provided.

The right to withdraw consent

If the processing of personal data is based on the data subject’s consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw their consent by notifying Vantaa Energy Ltd of this.

Right to transfer data from one system to another

In so far as the data subject has personally provided the register with data that is processed in order to fulfil the contract between the data subject and Vantaa Energy Ltd or based on consent given by the data subject, the data subject has, as a rule, the right to obtain the data for themselves in a machine-readable format and transfer it to another controller.

11  Lodging a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority

If a data subject considers that the processing of personal data breaches applicable legislation or that their statutory rights have been infringed, they may file a complaint about the matter with the relevant data protection authority. In Finland, the legality of the processing of personal data is supervised by the Data Protection Ombudsman whose contact details are available at:

12  Amendments to the privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend and update this privacy policy. Up-to-date privacy policies are available on our website at
